Monday, January 31, 2011

We've spent summer learning times tables facts

I wonder if other parents have experienced the same as us? We had taught one child their times tables facts, written them out in drill fashion and tested regularly, only to find that after a time many of those facts have been forgotten. I was getting worried when Maestro's growth spurt seemed to cause this 'forgetfulness', so we were strategising about ways to help him regain what he'd learnt. These are basics he really needs to know, instead of spending time counting out his numbers to find a multiplication fact.

We also have Mariposa now beginning to memorise her times tables. She's been learning the 'how' times tables work, and has already started memorising her 10s, 5s and 2s, but will be focusing on putting more of them to memory in her maths books in 2011.

Then I was given opportunity to have the children try a product which got us all very excited.  It ticked all the boxes: taught the facts, easy to use, fun, interactive, and proof of progress.  It's meant that learning those times tables has been a fun activity over our summer break.

We've been using Times Alive, downloaded from City Creek Press.  The children have found that getting on and doing just one times table fact in a day was never enough.  On average, 3 were learnt each day, which showed me that memorising times tables obviously was no longer a chore but fun activity.

Here's how it works:

Each time table fact you choose to select has a story.  As the story is being told, the child views an animation where the numbers are characterised.  Then, you see a catchy little music video, and even I find that I'm singing the traditional tunes to the new mathematical lyrics.  For example, Mariposa learnt 3x3 to the tune of 'Three Blind Mice'.

A quick quiz then has the child interacting with the software, and giving a recall test and results for parents to view progress. If you are in need of an actual report, parents can access information on lessons completed on a given date, quiz scores and the time taken to complete that lesson.

I would encourage parents to have a look at the samples are available to view online HERE, or better still, see and hear a full You Tube review:

You may order from this page, with the choice of an instant download for Mac or PC ($44.95US).  Other products, including cd-rom, cds, books and cue cards, are also available.
The product is available for use by all family members, which makes this a very economical and effective product to purchase.  Yes, I do highly recommend it!! It's meant success in this family (smiles!)

NB - I received full use of this downloaded product for the purpose of review. There is no other compensation and the opinions are my own. Thank you to TOS and City Creek Press for the use of this product. If you'd like to read further reviews on this product, please click HERE.


Ganeida said...

Times Alive & Times Attack were recommended to us by our umbrella ~ to no affect. Neither my Star nor I know most of our facts outside 2s, 5s, & 10s. Star has a complicated system she uses. I use my fingers still. Yes, I know I'm big but those facts just disappear into the nether of my brain. I wish someone would figure out how to teach sequential stuff to big picture non~sequential thinkers.

Ruby said...

That looks nifty!

Unknown said...

Times Alive was a big hit with both of my kids! I thought it was a really fun way to learn multiplication facts.
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